California Trucking Association withdraws from AB5 legal battle
The CTA’s decision comes after a federal district court rejected a new request from the association After a long legal battle against AB5, the California Trucking Association (CTA) has decided to withdraw from this controversy in the transportation sector. The AB5 law, which came into effect in 2020, aimed to change the classification of workers […]
In brief: California, AB5, and the future of fuel
California to vote on transportation tax proposals, AB5 law continues to cause controversy, and EIA shares predictions of fuel prices by 2025 California voters face key decisions on transportation funding and tax proposals On November 5, California voters will decide on several tax proposals to fund transportation projects and other purposes. The cities and counties […]
Federal Judge upholds AB5 regulations in California trucking law battle
Judge Roger Benítez ruled that AB5 does not violate the Constitution and any issues with it should be addressed politically In 2019, California passed the AB5 law for worker classification. The California Trucking Association filed a lawsuit, leading a district court to issue a preliminary injunction against the law’s enforcement in the trucking sector, which […]