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Just as it is easy to identify a good driver, it is even easier to identify a bad driver. What characterizes them?

Winter is not over yet and the roads continue to pose a risk for drivers. Undoubtedly, driving is a skill that requires concentration, good navigation and space assessment, so many people do not meet all the characteristics of a good driver. Just as it is easy to identify a good driver, it is even easier to identify a bad driver.

What characterizes a bad driver? There are several habits that are typical of a driver who does not know how to follow the regulations or who chooses to ignore them, posing a risk to the rest of the drivers with whom he shares the roads. Below is a list of 8 habits that identify a bad driver, in order to increase safety on the roads. If you perform more than three of the habits listed, it is time to reevaluate your driving methods.

En la imagen se muestra alguien pitando el claxon

8 habits of a bad driver

1. Constant honking

Good drivers recognize that the horn is not an element that will make traffic disappear, but its purpose is to be used in emergencies as a warning to other drivers; it goes beyond simple annoyance. The constant beeping of a horn only results in stress for other drivers, which can lead to accidents or distractions for others. In addition, this habit is attributed to impatient people, contrary to good drivers.

2. Ignoring traffic signs

Traffic signs are not optional. Every driver should know and respect traffic signs, since their function is to prevent accidents. Drivers who ignore road signs show that their concern for road safety is null, and eventually, they will end up causing an accident due to their negligence.

En la imagen se muestra un límite de velocidad

3. Speeding

According to a survey conducted by Forbes Advisor, speeding is the worst driving habit in the United States, with 39% of drivers admitting to speeding. Respecting speed limits is of utmost importance, especially in congested or pedestrian areas.

Bad drivers often ignore speed limits and are the ones who cause accidents, often resulting in fatalities. A good driver knows and respects the limits, making the roads safe for everyone.

4. Tailgating 

The habit of following other cars too closely is worse than poor driving skills. The risk of rear-end collisions is much higher when people do this. They have limited visibility of the road and little room to react if the vehicle in front brakes suddenly. In addition, people perceive this habit as intimidating behavior.

En la imagen se muestra una aguja de velocidad

5. Frequent lane changes

Even if you consider your driving skills to be very good, constantly changing lanes can also cause accidents. This habit distracts other drivers, resulting in sudden movements that can lead to an accident. Anything can happen when you surprise other drivers, and such erratic driving can easily disrupt the flow of traffic.

6. Distracted driving

According to data provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving claimed 3,308 lives in 2022. Distracted driving includes habits such as using the phone and eating while driving, becoming one of the most dangerous practices today. This bad habit delays reaction time and makes decision making difficult.

En la imagen se muestra una persona utilizando el teléfono mientras conduce

7. Ignoring pedestrians

Every driver has a legal and moral obligation to respect the right-of-way of pedestrians. Being impatient at crosswalks or ignoring them completely not only demonstrates poor driving but puts both the driver and pedestrians at risk. Waiting a minute for people to cross can actually save a life.

8. Road rage

Road rage is one of the biggest problems in the United States when it comes to road safety. The NHTSA states that approximately 300 people have lost their lives in road rage-related incidents since 2013.

This habit clouds the conditions of thinking about driver safety, as it leads to irrational and dangerous decisions. Driving requires patience and knowing how to react to unforeseen situations, so road rage is another characteristic of a bad driver.

En la imagen se muestra un conductor molesto

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