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Summer presents a real challenge for those who travel the routes. Tips to protect yourself.

The delights of summer can become a real hell for those who circulate on the roads. It is that the time of the swimming pools represents a challenge for truckers and carriers who endure these high temperatures that affect both the driver and the machines. For these reasons, those who drive thousands or hundreds of miles must be attentive to their personal care to begin with.

There are tips and keys provided by the experts so that the most perfect machine of all does not get damaged. Which? Undoubtedly, the human body. “In general, your body cools itself through sweating. In hot climates, especially with high humidity levels, sweating is not enough to cool your body. Body temperature can rise to dangerous levels and it is possible to develop heat illnesses. Most heat illnesses occur when you stay out in the heat too long. Exercising or working outdoors can also cause heat illness,” reports the National Library of Health.

What can happen to the person? The two most dangerous heat-related illnesses are:

The heat stroke. It happens when the body temperature rises above 106 degrees Fahrenheit in minutes. In this case, Medline details that you can feel dry skin, a rapid and strong pulse, dizziness, nausea, and confusion. It is important to seek help immediately.

The second serious illness is heat exhaustion. It occurs after being exposed to high temperatures for days. Especially when not enough fluids are ingested. Profuse sweating, rapid breathing, and a weak pulse are the main symptoms. If help is not sought, the person may die.

Given the above and given that work and life continue in the summer, one question is: what can be done?

Protected truckers

#1 First things first. Hydrate! It is one of the most important aspects of summer. While truckers have air conditioning and amenities, weather is weather. And it affects them, especially when the humidity is high. It is this factor, associated with high temperatures, that can dehydrate a person the fastest. When the person perspires, they not only lose fluid, but also electrolytes.

It is important to have half a gallon of fresh water in the truck for consumption and also lean on those drinks rich in electrolytes. Avoid those that are sugary and alcohol.

#2 The largest organ in the body: the skin. The truck cab and air conditioning do not protect against constant sunburn, truckers know this well. To take care of yourself, look for a protector that blocks UVB and UVA rays. A solar factor greater than 30 is always recommended.

If your cooling allows it, wear light-colored long sleeves and pants and loose-fitting clothing. A hat or cap is not a bad choice. And for your eyes, opt for sunglasses that also block UVA and UVB rays.

#3 Rest is essential. Try to take frequent breaks. It is not a bad idea to sleep when the heat is more intense outside. It is true that drivers have goals to meet and schedules to respect. For all these reasons, plan your trip well to be able to alternate these breaks with the tour. And remember that you should rest regularly at night to avoid possible accidents caused by tiredness and sleep.

#4 Key information. Added to the high temperatures are strong storms and even tornadoes. It is important to know the weather and follow the recommendations of the experts to know what is coming and to be prepared.

For example, today (July 19) the National Weather Service reports that: “An extremely dangerous and long-lasting heat wave will continue in the Southwest well into next week with oppressive heat indices spreading across the South-Central and southeastern US this weekend.” This type of data is constantly published in the official accounts of these organizations. In this case, on Twitter, it’s @NWS.

In our next article we explain how high temperatures affect your truck. Follow Saint George Insurance Brokerage Inc. on our social media for the latest industry news.

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