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The rule has generated over 1,000 comments from owners and companies.

The final rule to implement automatic emergency braking (AEB) systems in light vehicles, by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), has been submitted for review to the White House Office of Management and Budget. Work is still underway for the heavy-duty vehicle version.

NHTSA submitted the rule for light vehicles to OMB on January 18, with its publication in the Federal Register expected after review. The rule is anticipated to be published in April of this year, as per the Unified Regulatory Agenda for the fall of 2023 from the U.S. Department of Transportation.

In June of last year, the initial proposal was established, seeking to require AEB systems in new light vehicles, aiming to save lives and reduce annual injury cases. If adopted, most new vehicles in the U.S. weighing less than 10,000 pounds would be required to have this technology three years after its publication in the Federal Register. The rule has generated over 1,000 comments from owners and companies.

Additionally, last year, NHTSA and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) jointly proposed the mandatory implementation of AEB and electronic stability control systems in new vehicles weighing over 10,000 pounds.

En la imagen se observa una simulación de auto con sistema de frenado automático

The proposal sets deadlines for implementation, requiring vehicles in classes 7 and 8 to comply with AEB standards three years after the effective date, while those in classes 3 to 6 must comply after four years. Small-volume manufacturers would have up to five years, and existing heavy-duty vehicles would not be subject to retrofitting requirements.

However, opposition comments were raised by some legislators who expressed their disagreement with the AEB proposal for trucks during a hearing in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in December. They argue that the technology is not yet ready, as collision avoidance systems are not foolproof and have issues, in addition to being costly.

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), representing small business truckers, also expressed concerns, pointing out that drivers experience too many false activations with AEB systems. The association criticized the proposal for not adequately addressing false activations, lack of consultation with professional truckers, and the lack of completion of ongoing research programs.


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