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Cross-border freight transportation and the supply chain

En la imagen se muestran camiones en la cadena de suministro

Cross-border transportation and the vital role of the supply chain in U.S. border cities. The continuous growth of cross-border truck freight transportation halted in December, with a slight decline in North American transportation. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, in December, over $73 billion worth of goods were moved by truck across borders, marking […]

Adversities in the U.S. freight industry

En la imagen se muestra un buque de carga

The United States is in a better position to address the challenges arising from the situation in the Red Sea, according to experts. The freight sector in the United States is in better condition, according to experts, to address the challenges arising from the situation in the Red Sea, thanks to efforts to improve capacity […]

Nearshoring: cross-border logistics companies expand to Mexico

En la imagen se muestra un rompecabezas con las banderas de México y Estados Unidos

Arrive Logistics and BlueGrace Logistics establish new offices in Guadalajara, Mexico Arrive Logistics and BlueGrace Logistics recently announced the opening of their first offices in Mexico, reinforcing the nearshoring strategy south of the border. Arrive’s new location in Guadalajara, Mexico, is an 18,000-square-foot facility housing business development teams, cross-border solutions, and global services. This expansion […]

Protecting trade: legislation to keep the U.S. border entry ports open

En la imagen se muestra un mapa de la frontera de Texas

This initiative seeks to safeguard U.S. trade and commerce along the border. On Friday, February 9th, the Law to Keep International Land Ports of Entry Open was introduced, a new bill aimed at preventing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from closing commercial entry ports. This initiative, led by Texas Senator Ted Cruz, seeks to […]

Ukraine revitalizes maritime grain exports from the Black Sea

En la imagen se muestra un buque de carga

The maritime corridor is expected to remain crucial in global cereal trade. Ukraine has successfully increased its grain exports from the Black Sea to levels not seen since before the Russian invasion. Despite the crisis in maritime transport in the Red Sea, Ukraine’s success in replacing a UN-backed agreement with its own maritime transport plan […]

Chancay Mega-Port: transforming trade dynamics in Peru and China

En la imagen se muestra un hombre con equipo de seguridad en un puerto de exportación

The mega-port aims to strategically position Peru between South America and Asia. The new Chinese mega-port in Chancay, Peru, promises to strengthen trade ties between South America and China. Valued at $3.5 billion and predominantly controlled by the Chinese state-owned company Cosco Shipping, this deep-water port will be China’s first in South America. It is […]

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