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Welcome Age of Aquarius!

Welcome Age of Aquarius!

Profound transformations, social changes and innovation. The planet Pluto entered the sign Aquarius on January 20 and began what many schools of astrology call: the Age of Aquarius. What is this? It is an astrological event that happens no less than every 248 years and that, each time it happens, generates radical changes in humanity. […]

Choosing between new and used trucks for your business

En la imagen se muestran unas manos intercambiando una llave de un camión

Buying new vs. used trucks, a quick guide to make the right choice. Acquiring a used truck can be the ideal solution for companies with tight budgets. According to the Truck Purchase and Lease Survey published by Overdrive.com, approximately 60% of owner-operators acquire Class 8 trucks that are second-hand. However, opting for a used truck […]

$623 million investment in electric vehicle infrastructure

En la imagen se muestran vehículos eléctricos siendo recargados

These grants will support 47 charging stations and related projects in 22 states and Puerto Rico. The Biden administration will allocate $623 million in grants to boost the construction of a national electric vehicle charging network. Announced on January 11, these grants will support 47 charging stations and related projects in 22 states and Puerto […]

Navigating the Storm: Expert Insights into Freight and Trucking Fraud

By Bob Dilliplaine In the dynamic world of freight and trucking, the current economic climate has ushered in a challenging era marked by a significant rise in fraudulent activities. As an industry expert with years of experience, I’m here to guide you through these turbulent times, offering crucial insights and strategies to safeguard your business […]

Cyber-attacks on public transport offices on the rise

En la imagen se muestran unas manos utilizando una latptop, con signos de candados indicando un ciberataque

Intruders attempt to psychologically manipulate employees and contractors to obtain confidential information. Public transportation offices are witnessing a surge in social engineering cyberattacks, where intruders attempt to psychologically manipulate employees and contractors to gain confidential information. During a roundtable at the annual Transportation Research Board meeting on January 8, experts shared examples of these sophisticated […]

Briefs: 2024 updates on lane change and speed limits, plus fuel prices stability

En la imagen se muestra una carretera con vehículos circulando

Updates on the second week of 2024. Kentucky and Ohio expand traffic regulations. In Kentucky, a legislative priority focuses on revising state lane change regulations. A proposed bill in the House aims to include Kentucky in the states extending lane change rules to cover all road users. Representative Mary Beth Imes sponsors HB19, seeking to […]

A quick guide to healthy eating for truckers

En la imagen se muestra un hombre sosteniendo un sándwich y un termo de café, sentado frente al volante de un camión

Improve your eating habits and stay healthy on your trips. One of the main challenges faced by truck drivers is related to health. Staying fit and healthy becomes a daily task that, at times, proves difficult for truckers due to the long hours spent on the road and the limited options of food and beverages […]

Tesla’s range adjustments in response to new government regulations

En la imagen se muestra un vehículo de color negro, en una estación de recarga de la marca Tesla.

Tesla has recently lowered the estimated range for variants of its X, S, Y, and 3 models. Tesla has reduced the estimated range of its electric vehicles in response to new government regulations in the United States. The company has previously been criticized for providing inflated figures, leading to customer complaints and drawing the attention […]

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