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80% of Americans believe that truckers play a crucial role in the economy

CloudTrucks Research conducted a survey to understand the true opinions of American citizens about truckers. The surveys were administered to 2,000 U.S. residents, categorizing responses by regions: Northeast, South, Midwest, and West. The results were favorable for truck drivers, indicating that American citizens tend to have a positive perception of them.

What do Americans think about truckers?

According to the survey results, Americans from all regions value and have a favorable opinion of truckers. 80% of Americans believe that truckers play a crucial role in the economy. Additionally, 43% consider that truck drivers frequently face unsafe or aggressive driving behavior from other motorists.

When asked about their perception of truckers, some stereotypes were mentioned. Approximately 21% of respondents indicated that they imagine truck drivers as older white men with tattoos and a rugged appearance, while 13% suggested that they are reckless and disregard traffic rules and safety precautions.

However, the majority of respondents maintained positive opinions. 35% described truck drivers as overworked and underpaid. Approximately 32% of respondents also described drivers as reliable and punctual.

When asked about their impressions of meeting a trucker in a social setting, 48% of respondents expressed that they would feel respect for the hard work, sacrifices, and contributions to society made by truck drivers. On the other hand, 46% of respondents expressed an interest in learning more about their travels and experiences in the trucking industry.

What do Americans know about the trucking industry?

The CloudTrucks Research survey also aimed to determine how much society knows about the freight trucking sector. The results showed that Americans are familiar with the trucking industry, with Southerners claiming to have a better understanding of trucking and truckers.

The survey consisted of three essential questions to test regional knowledge about the freight trucking industry. Despite the confidence displayed by Southerners, respondents from the Northeast proved to be the most informed about the trucking industry.

Among other survey results, it was revealed that the most commonly used term to refer to freight trucks is “18-wheeler,” followed by “semi,” “tractor-trailer” and “semi-truck.”

While truck drivers often encounter situations where they are not granted the kindness or respect they deserve, these results demonstrate that there is a majority of American citizens who are aware of and admire the hard work of truckers. The United States values and holds a very positive opinion of truckers.


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