The look of the famous psychologist and writer, Pablo Melicchio, about what happens on the routes and cities we travel.
A driving school should be founded where it is verified that the person interested in learning to drive knows how to conduct himself through life first, because whoever does not know how to drive in his daily life can hardly do so on the streets and roads. No one should be given a driving license if they do not first show wisdom in the two fundamental issues of existence: taking care of themselves and taking care of others. The most important record is that of the value of life.
There are people who drive the car as they drive in their lives, nervous, aggressive, venting their frustrations, anger and resentments on others. Gandhi taught that you should not eat when you have negative thoughts because in this way, with food, that negativity is ingested and the body becomes ill. In the same way, one should not go out for a drive if there is anger, rage, because that discomfort will end up being projected onto the street. The city is sick, it is noisy and violent as a result of the beings that go out into the world to vent their hatred.
In that driving school, the importance of self-knowledge and self-control should be taught. The prefix auto means of or by itself. First “know yourself”, as the Greek gods said and it was written at the entrance of the temple of Apollo, in Delphi, Greece. Get to know each other, be patient and tolerant, to make good decisions in the face of the tests that arise every day in life, as in the streets and routes.

In the first driving class, it should be clarified that driving can be taught, but that this teaching will only be the base, because the fundamental thing is to drive with your own style as experiences are capitalized. We are not born with a manual to learn how to manage ourselves or with a record to guide us through the paths of life. In the best of cases, a mother, a father, some adult figure will be able to instruct us, teach us, tell us how he or she learned to manage and drive. But sooner or later you have to leave with what you have learned and with what you learn walking, because you will never know everything, because you will never have all the certainties and because there are not enough signs or warnings to anticipate all the eventualities that will arise in the curves. of existing.
It should be understood that wisdom is like the clutch, it is necessary to accompany and pass the changes without forcing them, with finesse. There is no need to despair. There is always a way, even when we feel lost we are on a way. And there is always a destination, a goal, even if we are not aware, we are going somewhere; only death is the end of the path, at least of a path that began when we were born into this world. Meanwhile, be aware that each day is a beginning that implies putting first and paying attention, leaving confident that there is a destination, or at least a direction; destination and direction that can change as our desires and desires can change. And most importantly: always have a horizon, a pretext to get going and go out to celebrate life.

You have to found a driving school oriented to the care of life. Traffic accidents are on the podium of the ranking of causes of death in the world. That is why we must teach the responsibility involved in driving, taking the wheel, speed. The route, the road, the street, are spaces where we meet, where we are interconnected, where what we do or stop doing can help or harm others. The first learning should be to preserve life, the rest is learned by walking.
About the author: Pablo Melicchio is a famous psychologist and author consulted by numerous television, radio and print media. @pablomelicchio