What is covered and what is not? Who should have it? What if you are a sole proprietor or self-employed? And the volunteers?
This insurance is essential for employees and business owners as it covers all medical expenses, part of the salary lost by the employee as a result of illness, rehabilitation and death. Thus, owners and workers are fully protected against illness, injury or accident at work. Fundamental reasons why workers’ compensation is vital.
However, many aspects of this benefit are ignored or unknown. Here is a guide to clear up your doubts.
How does it work?
It depends on each state since they all have certain laws that must be followed. These are rules that tend to protect the employee both in his quality of life and in his coverage. It should be noted that the protection only depends on the injuries and not on the negligence that the worker may have had.
It is also important to clarify that the employee receives benefits only if the illness or injury has to do with work tasks. For example, injuries caused by lifting heavy equipment, injuries from explosions, and so many more.
Injuries that occur outside of work are not covered, meaning if someone gets hurt in a recreational sport with their friends, the insurance will not cover it.
To insure your employees with Saint George Insurance Brokerage Inc. you must be domiciled in one of the following states: California, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Utah, Washington, New York , Florida and Oregon.
Who needs workers' compensation insurance?
It is required in almost all states. Check state regulations for what is required or call your agency.
An essential detail: this insurance protects you as an employer from claims for injuries or illness in the workplace. This protects your company from costly legal proceedings.
What is not covered?
We already mentioned that accidents outside of the workplace are not included, as are injuries that may occur in the transfer to or from the place of employment. Substance abuse or poisoning are not covered either.
What happens to all disability-related benefits?
The insurance covers the time an employee is unable to work after being injured on the job. But this payment always depends on the policy contract. Call an agent if you want more information about her particular case.
What if I am a sole proprietor with no employees?
Workers’ compensation insurance is usually not required since you are the worker. But, making sure will help protect you from injuries that may occur on the job. Which is why it is highly recommended.
What if I’m self-employed?
Insurance covers it. In many states it is not required by law, but as in the previous point, it will help you pay for your treatments or months of inactivity in the event of an injury.
Is it mandatory in the case of contractors and volunteers?
It also depends on the state where you are. In some, both contractors and volunteers are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Ask about this point in our contact lines.