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The transportation and movement of materials in general claimed 1,369 lives. The most affected area of all those measured.

Transportation is the sector with the highest number of deaths, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The data was extracted from the National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2022 and demonstrates not only the risk, but also that these accidents that claim lives increase over the years.

If you look at the numbers, you can see that the transportation and movement of materials in general claimed 1,369 lives. The most affected area of all those measured.

Within transportation in general, it was the drivers of heavy trucks and trucks with trailers who led the fatal accidents. Last year almost a thousand heavy truck drivers died. The exact number was 934 lives, which are added to the 874 workers who died in 2021.

The biggest risk? The route, in the first instance. The fact is that 747 accidents happened in transportation. To which were added 56 deaths due to explosions of harmful substances, 29 cases of violence generated by people or animals and 27 deaths due to falls or slips.

In fatal accidents and at work, other highly affected sectors have to do with construction/extraction and occupations related to protective services.

En la foto se ve un camión de color azul que impactó contra un árbol.

If all occupations are analyzed, it is detected that in 2022, 5,476 fatal work injuries were recorded. That is to say, a worker died every hour and a half throughout the country.

Violence prevails in this fatal statistic and adds even more concern. Deaths related to injuries caused by people or animals increased by 12 percent, claiming the lives of 849 people in total. Of these, 62 percent were homicides. Overdoses also increased, in this case by 13 percent and caused the death of 525 people.

Given these measurements, responsible driving is more important than ever, respecting rest hours in safe places and controlling loads and trucks.


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